The CJIS Group is a unique IT department that is inter-dependent on Court Administration, Public Defender, and State Attorney Office,
that was formed via inter-local agreement in 1990. We share electronic infrastructure including servers, systems, networks, and disaster recovery systems.
Our Vision: To continually strive to be the model of innovation, efficiency, and effectiveness through inter-agency cooperation.
Our Mission: Great people striving to create the optimal set of systems for efficiently and cost-effectively managing the complexities of a continuously evolving criminal justice system.
The case management system, Integrated Justice Information System ( IJIS ), is used by all agencies in the five counties that make up the 20th Judicial Circuit.
The CJIS staff continually enhances, maintains, and supports the application including:
- Statutory changes
- Agency requests
- Business process improvements
- Document and report changes
IJIS contains the information from the initial arrest through the prosecution of each criminal case. This enables several units to utilize the system to work with individuals
associated to each case including: defendant, witness, victim, law enforcement officer, state attorney, public defender, witness coordinator, trial assistant, victim advocate,
investigator, career criminal officer, and probation officer.
Some of the individual units represented in IJIS during the criminal process include: PreTrial Services, Probation, Domestic Violence, Law Enforcement Agencies, Career Criminal
Task Force, Witness Management, Victim Services, Mental Health Court, Baker Acts, Veteran’s Court, Drug Court, SalusCare, Early Intervention Docket, Special Victims Unit, Juvenile
Arbitration, Teen Court, Citizen Complaints, Sales Tax Criminal, Jimmy Ryce Cases, Worthless Checks, Agency Reviews, Warrants, Economic Crimes, Juvenile, Misdemeanor, Felony, Traffic,
County and Municipal Ordinances, Electronic Search Warrants, Post-Conviction, and Appeals.